Lorandel Swiftquill Travel Guide: Beras

Town of Beras - The Idyllic Seaside Hamlet

Discover the enchanting Town of Beras, situated in the southern part of Anivere along the banks of the Cerul Ocean to the west. As the starting point of the Avon River, this picturesque coastal town is both serene and bustling. Located within proximity to other significant places, Beras is 50 miles south of the City of Portsmouth along the coastline, 75 miles east of the Town of Dunly along the Avon River, and 75 miles southwest of the Town of Camber on the southern banks of the Tinor River.

Interesting Points to Visit:

Parting Thoughts:

The delightful Town of Beras, situated along the picturesque Cerul Ocean and the Avon River, provides visitors with an ideal mix of natural allure and captivating attractions. Exploring the garden maze, the Great Hall, and the orphanage will reveal the true spirit of this coastal town. Whether you are enchanted by the stunning landscapes or the warm community, Beras is a charming destination in the magical land of Anivere.