The Nature of Magic

Magic is an energy source that seems to flow through all planes of existence, including the Prime Plane. With proper implements or abilities, this energy can be focused and used to manipulate other matter or energy to the user’s will. It can also be temporarily (or permanently, with the proper Ritual Magic) transmuted into other forms like stone, acid, ice, fire, etc.

Those that can manipulate these energies are called Mages. Mages cast spells (i.e. control magic to achieve an effect) to further their ends. One curious aspect of magic is that Spell Casting can be neither slowed nor hastened–Casting a particular effect requires the same amount of time whether cast by an apprentice or a god.

There are six generally recognized spheres of magic, linked to a seventh. Each sphere has an associated color signature. As a Mage increases in power, their magic signature’s color grows stronger. A powerful enough Mage (including some Creatures and most gods) that has mastered all six spheres will have either a white or black power signature. Mages who achieve this are often called “Masters of the Circle.”

The Spheres of Magic