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Land of Giants

  • Geography: Rugged, forested, mountain terrain. Some active volcanoes.
  • Government: Giants tend to be solitary, although bands will usually have a leader, and there is often a self-proclaimed king (or kings) of both the frost and fire giants.
  • Population and Races: Mainly frost and fire giants. Other creatures are slaves, food, or useful in some other way. The fire giants are clustered around some active volcanoes.
  • Culture: Warrior culture and the strong should rule. A chip on their big shoulders that giants are not more influential in world affairs. Luckily they don’t play well together, and rarely unite (although it has never been good when they have).
  • Economy and Trading: Hunting and food animal husbandry. They don’t trade, they take what they want.
  • Military: Usually found individually. When in groups they tend to each do their own thing, even if united in a common cause or goal.
  • Allies and Rivals: Tend to get along better with goblinoids, with their proper respect of might makes right, vs. humanoids—who have all kinds of ideas of the weak leading the strong. Spend most of their energy fighting amongst themselves, particularly frost vs. fire.
land_of_giants.1557174773.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/07/03 05:49 (external edit)

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