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The North

(Closest equivalent: Viking era Scandinavians)

  • Geography: 585k sq.mi of evergreen trees and frozen tundra.
  • Government: Very independent with local rulers—kings, chiefs, warlords, etc. Occasionally united under an Overking.
  • Population and Races: Human-centric with a large dwarven population.
  • Culture: A harsh, cold environment means a tough living. Various clans and families compete with each other and outsiders.
  • Economy and Trading: Export furs and raiding parties, import captured booty.
  • Military: A warrior culture, prone to raiding both on land and with their feared longships.
  • Allies and Rivals: Generally friendly with Dal-Tahir and occasionally with the other western humanoid kingdoms (when not raiding them). Also not averse to raiding the Five Banners Kingdoms when the opportunity presents itself. Enemies with the Theocracy of Rai-dul (and by proxy, often with The Orkan Horde).

Major Cities of The North

Major Terrain Features of The North

Map of The North

the_north.1557175057.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/07/03 05:49 (external edit)

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